Tag Archive | power of thoughts

The power of your thoughts


“As a single footprint will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep, physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over again the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”  (Henry David Thoreau)

I have recently come across this quote, and I find it very powerful.

If you have read any books on the law of attraction or any other spiritual books, then you must be aware that our thoughts have creative power. Our thoughts create our life, the Universe is reflecting back to us what we are creating with our thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality.

I believe that our thoughts have even more power than we can comprehend. Some people live their everyday life without even knowing anything about the power of their thoughts. If they have a happy life, they must have happy, positive thoughts, so in the end it is all good for them, whether they are conscious of this power or not.

But there are also those people who constantly create negative stuff in their life because of their repetitive negative thinking that will only attract negative experiences for them. I wish these people realised that they could change their life, not overnight, but they could start with one thought, and then work on another one, and then another one.

We can change ANYTHING in our life, just by our way of thinking.

“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.”

It may be hard to do so, because we all face many distracting factors. We have to live our life, do our job, look after our family, etc. We might have negative thinking patterns we brought from our childhood, and it takes conscious effort to change them.

You have to put in quite some effort to change your thoughts. But for any change to take place in your life, it has to start with your thoughts.

If you don’t put the effort in it, nothing is going to change. You have to pave the path, as the quote says above. It takes practice, it takes time and patience.


A good way to change your thoughts, or concentrate on the positive aspects of any subject, is to start a gratitude journal. Write down all the blessings that happened during the day, and write down everything you are grateful for. You can also focus “being positive” on a single subject by writing down all the positive thoughts about that one thing, it can be a person or anything you want to improve in your life.



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Your life is what you make it to be!


Your life is what you make it to be!

Any of us who reads about the law of attraction or other spiritual/psychological topics knows that our thoughts have more power than we think. Our thoughts actually have a huge impact on our life. Whatever we think about, we create it. The way we think about something will define our emotions about it. People in the same situation can be either happy or sad, depending on how they are responding to it. The way we think can affect our relationships, our career, our health, our success or our happiness.

Many people do not realise this, and they just follow the crowd. They just follow the patterns that their family or friends have taught them. It seems like they are following something called ‘life’ blindly, without ever using their common sense or questioning those limiting beliefs that impacted their way of thinking.

As usual, I took the inspiration for this post from a real life experience. One guy I met seemed to be so limiting and negative and blind in his way of thinking that I have to admit, he pulled me down emotionally. I talked with him only out of politeness, but I just do not like his way of thinking. I am not anyone to tell him how to think, and he did not ask me for any advice regarding this, so I can only avoid talking to people like him.



This experience, however, reminded me again on the importance of our thinking habits. I have touched this topic many times in my previous posts, and I mentioned that in every situation I am always looking for the positive, I appreciate what I can, I am trying to be grateful for what I can be, etc. We are all humans though, and we are not perfect, so we always have a lesson to learn and a reminder can be very helpful to become the happier and more successful person we want to be.

Let’s appreciate this insight and continue to create positive thoughts and positive life experiences!


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What are you creating now?


We all know that our thoughts and emotions have the greatest power in creating our future.

What you think about right now will create your future. Do you like what you are creating? If not, then you better think different thoughts.

Besides thoughts, I also added emotions, because when you deliberately want to change your thoughts, it is not enough to keep repeating positive thoughts, but you also need to feel good in the present moment. So, you need to think thoughts that make you happy right now. Not in the future, right now!

We heard about the power of our thoughts from Buddha, about the power of the Now from Eckhart Tolle, and various other teachings.

However, we often feel so desperate to change things in our now that this creates a general lethargy in all of us. In fact, we should not feel lethargic or depressed even if our current situation is the opposite of what we want, because that will just create more of what we don’t want.

What are you creating right now? noemifairy.com:



Recently, I discovered one more aspect that I would add to this whole topic of creation, the attractive power of our thoughts and the power of now. And this is the law of cause and effect.

This is a hard topic for us to understand and describe, as we often don’t see in advance what is leading where, and why we end up where we do, why we meet certain people, etc.

If you feel frustrated in your current situation, because things don’t seem to be improving despite all your efforts, it doesn’t mean that they are never going to improve. Just relax into the situation, do the best you can and try to enjoy the journey.

Maybe while you are in this ‘waiting’ period, you can start doing something creative that might have immense rewards in your future. We never know. Then, you will be glad that you did what you did that time of your life when you were ‘waiting’ for something.

Actually, we should never wait for the right time, do whatever you want to do right now to make it a perfect time, whatever makes you happy, whatever small steps you can do; and it is all going to add up to the manifestation of your DREAM!


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