Do you have a dream? Just let it in!


As soon as you have the thought of a dream, it already exists in physical form. It is already out there somewhere in the Universe. You just have to let it in. Is it that easy?

That’s what they say!

It sounds very simple,  but to manifest the dream in our life – or to let it in – might not be so easy.

With all our limiting beliefs and fears, we ourselves may be the biggest enemy in manifesting our own dreams. Supposing we manage to overcome most of these conditioned beliefs, we still have to work and make the necessary efforts to achieve that dream. It is not going to fall in our lap from the sky.


Whatever you want to achieve, whatever your dream is, just focus on the outcome!


It’s a difficult idea to talk about and understand. I am asking myself how can I let in something that I want so badly? […] Maybe I shouldn’t want it so badly.

If I want something bad, it means the desire is coming from ‘lack’ or ‘need’, therefore I will only get more lack. However, if the desire is coming from ‘love’, then letting in doesn’t even sound so difficult. Then letting in is easy, it is natural.

So, the first thing you want to do is check where your desires are coming from, and once you have examined them, work on the ones that are coming from love.


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  1. Pingback: Desire | Did She Just Say That...?

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